Saturday, December 31, 2011

And so soon, a new year.

A man's work is nothing but this slow trek to rediscover, through the detours of art, those two or three great and simple images in whose presence his heart first opened.
-Albert Camus

Writing is a struggle against silence.
-Carlos Fuentes

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Erica Tanov Fall 2011

When it comes to shopping, I would much rather buy one lovely amazing item I adore a few times per year, than to buy a number of (perhaps cheaper) things that I won't want to wear five years on. I call it investment shopping. When I was younger and lived in the bay area, I made a point of repeatedly visiting Erica Tanov's store on Fourth street to finely gauge what precious garment I would invest in. Those pieces, ten years later, I still wear, I still love. I was just as much in love with her then as I am now, and this video might help you understand why.

p.s. THIS!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

this suit.

Suit by Steven Alan.
totally want this

Life Philosophy

3 Things about me:
1. I am in love with surf-related things
2. Riding a bike with a surf board attached, in a tie-dye bikini, is a basic metaphor for how I like to live my life
3. This mid-season of August to September is my favorite time of year (until spring when I change my mind and love spring again).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Skinny Jeans

I heard this one on the pictureplane pandora station. It's kind of what I hope to hear as a first song when i'm out on the town in europe.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

east / west

I love visiting my family. My parents' home is like a resort: amazing food (and lots of it- Vegan Middle Eastern food!), dark mint chocolate on the pillows, San Pellegrino set out like champagne. The architecture, going to the Philips Collection (where viewing at least one great work makes it worth the trip- this time a de Kooning-with just a little bit of pink), the Textile Museum. But, the heat. The humidity. Summer is a time to walk around the house in as little clothing as possible. As a guest it's not really an option. I can't ever imagine myself living the humid life again, returning east. Humidity tax, traffic tax. It is difficult, at times, to be distant from family. But the truth is, I am in love with the west. It's that simple.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Coffee & Champagne

photos by Garance Dore

I love these photos, the big wooden table, just a little purple in there. Coffee and champagne.

Remember when..

When I was growing up and I was buying records, all I knew was the picture on the album and the music contained on the inside. Maybe something from the liner notes. But that’s it. That was the access I had. It was enough.

-Dave Navarro in Vanity Fair

Friday, July 15, 2011

Patience is Wisdom

Documentário Helen Rödel - Estudos MMXI (english subtitles) from Helen Rödel on Vimeo.
Popcorn stitch. How did I manage not to learn crochet or to knit? I aim to fix this. I adore this video and her designs! Get me that backless blue and green stripe, cap-sleeve number.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

1980's Summer Movies

1980's Summer Movies

Troll, Heathers, The Lost Boys, Willow, The Golden Child, The Emerald Forest, Flight of the Navigator, Goonies,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer Songs

I love this song. I love this video. I love The Knife. Happy memory songs like this one do nothing to help the fruitless effort to tame my spring/summer-induced wildness. One of the best parts of this season is losing a sense of time. Late late nights, bright and early mornings. There's not a moment to be wasted...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


p.s. three of my favorite things: green onions, VOGUE, & mail.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cloudy May Sunday

some favorites from UNDECORATED
& Emmanuelle Alt's first edition of French VOGUE

p.s. that's a sunflower sprout, above.

Friday, April 15, 2011


When I taught high school it was at a ranch.
The boss's wife wore jeans so the rest of us could.
I wear jeans almost every day. Bell-bottoms are my favorite.
They evoke a mood in me, so many loves of mine:
Sprinting through a field at midnight,
morning ping pong and orange juice,
rollerskating with my dogs on the boardwalk...
I think I may have found a new favorite denim source.

I knew I liked Jay-Z


You are the coolest man on Earth, how the f did you get like that?


I'm around great women, starting with my mom. Women keep men cool. The hotter the chick the cooler the guy ... that sounds like a really bad rap line!
Goop Interview


(from my 2004 Spain journal)

(from Erica Tanov)

I love photo collages
because I love tape.